I have a record view with a objectDataTable zu show related records. When I edit/view one of the related records and hit submit I’m redirected to the grid view in the datamanager, not the page I was coming from.
I remember there was some option/attribute I can set to manipulate the returnurl I’m redirected to, when the form is submitted. I can’t find any hint in the docu. Can someone give me a hint what the best practise is in this case?
For this, we tend to use various datamanager customisations, including buildListingLink on the child object.
The buildListingLink handler can detect the parent object and build an appropriate link to get back to that parent and potentially activate a tab or somesuch in the querystring:
private function buildListingLink( event, rc, prc, args={} ) {
var parentObjectId = args.record.category ?: ""; // or whatever
return event.buildAdminLink( objectName="category", recordId=parentObjectId, queryString="tab=children" );