Find email recipients who got a specific email

I have a newsletter recipient defined and want to do a filter like:

give me all recipients who got the following mail: (select mail)

Since all sent mails and users are logged in email_template_send_log I should be able to filter them. But I can’t find the correct filter.

Again a problem in front of the keyboard- issue?

Is the newsletter recipient a custom Preside object? Or is this website users?

Custom preside object

Did you follow the Preside Docs guide in order to have it logged?
See here:
In particular, check the section in regards to logging:

You then might in addition need custom expressions. A couple of years ago I created an open source very basic CRM extension, which has done this. Happy for you to borrow the code from there and adapt.
Essentially this was also based on how Preside core does it for the website users - so you might cross check if any changes have been applied in the meantime.
Otherwise check the following:



Rules Expressions:

Also check the corresponding i18n files that you need here:

And of course you would need to substitute “Person” with whatever your custom Preside Object is named.

of course :wink:

But indeed I’m missing the separate filter rules for the object. Thanks for the hint, will add this to my application.