Pinned thread: Say hello!

New to our forums, or just want to say hello? Drop a reply here with a little about yourself and what you’re doing/looking to do with Preside.

I’ll kick us off :slight_smile: I’m Dominic and I’m the CTO at Pixl8 and the lead developer of the Preside Platform. We use Preside for almost everything!


Hello, I’m Michael

I’m developing CFML application for more than 18 years and installed my first ColdFusion Server (4.0) from floppy discs (can be seen in several museums).
I’m running my business ( for more than 20 years now. About 95% of my work are CFML and especially Preside related.
I’m the organizer of the only CFML Conference in Europe - CFCamp (

Quick stats: 49years old, father of 4 (adult) children (2 own + 2 of my wife), playing ice hockey and golf in my free time.


Hello world,

Coming from a Java (and some other languages) background I stumbled upon CFML in 2012 and have been using it ever since. The Preside platform offers an easy to use and very powerful way to build awesome applications that are fun for clients and devs.

Hope to see many people here soon!


#repeatString(“G’day”, 1024)#

I’m a CFMLer since 96 and I’m the Community Manager for Lucee as well as a Technical Lead at Pixl8.

I’ve been working with @dominic.watson Dom getting Preside up and running on Lucee 6

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Hey there, I am Jan, running the German subsidiary of the Pixl8 Group, developing Software since around 1997, started CF development a couple of years later and met the awesome Pixl8 guys first in Munich 10 years ago. From then on Preside became my preferred platform for basically every development project.
When not working, I enjoy being happily married, a dad of 3 awesome kids and doing all sorts of outdoor sports.
Looking forward to grow the Preside community and spread the word of how great this piece of software is. :heart:


Hello CFlers,

I’m Philipp located in Germany.
Married, 2 children + dog.

After my studies (with Java) I did nothing else than CFML (19 years now).

I’m not a pure software developer, but I’m even better at managing software projects (e-commerce, portals, interfaces). Preferably in the area of ColdFusion and even more preferably Preside Platform based projects. (Freelance)

CFCamp participant for 10 years :wink:

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Hi all,

I’m David from Nashville, TN, USA.

I’ve worked with CFML since 1996. For new projects, I can’t imagine not using Preside :slightly_smiling_face: I love bridging the gap between the business side and the technical side. In the past, I’ve most often worked on projects for the music & entertainment industry, but have also done things like custom intranets and business intelligence. A recent personal project is that allows homebuyers to get insights into any property in the United States.

Great to be here!


Hi all,

I’m Mookesh from Malaysia.

I’m one of the developer from Pixl8 and have been amazed with Preside since the day I joined. There’s just too many things in Preside that are very helpful and convenient, but the killer would definitely be the Rules Engine !

Additionally, as a dev I love PresideObjectService it’s too comfortable to filter records :grimacing:

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Hi all, I am Minh
I used to develop application on .Net, since 2014, I joined to Lucee World and enjoyed the preside platform. I am running an application on Preside:
Hope can meet you all in person


Hi, I’m Seb and I’m a lead developer on the Product team at Pixl8 in the UK. This means I also have responsibilities for developing and maintaining Preside.

I’ve been developing in CFML for nearly 23 years, starting with ColdFusion 4.5, and have been using Preside since joining Pixl8 at the end of 2016, and also use it for a number of personal sites and side projects.

Outside of work, most of my time is taken up with dogs and cricket!


this is a safe space, as an Australian, I’d ask you not to mention the cricket :wink:

Hi, I am Brayden from Malaysia and one of the developers at Pixl8. Besides work, all my times committed to my partner, movies, and games (in that particular order :wink:).