Richeditor in frontend

I’d like to use the richeditor in the frontend (and would also like using some select-chosen stuff, etc.).

Setting <field name="content" sortorder="0" control="richeditor" /> in my form definition generates a textfield, but not the editor.

And yes, I’m aware, that there’s a lot of functionality that is mainly for the backend, but I’d reduce the toolbar to mainly text styling functions.

can I get it up and running for the frontend?

for the frontend I actually use summernote editor, but I’m not really happy with it.

The short answer is no, not in its current form. It relies on a bunch of admin configuration.

It would/could make sense to create a general ckeditor formcontrol and not use the very outdated one we have in the admin. Harder to update the admin due to the custom plugins that we have (doable, just harder). By using a generic version for the frontend, it would make more sense to use the latest CKEditor I should think?